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International cooperation and training


Proposals workshop long RIDEF
International cooperation and training
Co-animation: Ramon, Gitta, Florence
Workshop purposes:
For Ramon: To exchange, with my other countries colleagues, about the teacher training methods, in connection with Freinet pedagogy and the MRP, not only in the contents, but also in the organization and animation.
For Florence: to carry out a Co-teacher training with a co-operative animation, a co- training for trainers, to learn how to animate cooperatively a group of adults, to exchange on the projects in progress and to take retreat on our respective education systems, to leave the ethno-centrisms, mutualization of our resources, to reflect on the educational values and purposes to conceive teacher training training, to allow emergence, construction, installation of international and local projects: to conceive training projects and to carry out them with the assistance of a co-operative group to ensure a reflexive and helping accompaniment, to take retreat…
Presentations: in a poster? Speaking?
Criteria (suggested by Ramon for the presentation):
I have training experiments:
Main advantages (strong points, positive aspects? ) what did I find (= I can testify on? ):
What would I like to improve Needs? ):
This is why it seems to me fundamental to work on:
To send these criteria in advance? To ask answers in the form of electronic files and a paper presentation for the people being registered during the RIDEF?
I’s important to think about the problems arising from the use of several languages and the various cultures: limitation of the time of presentation by each one not to weigh down in times of translation? recourse to techniques other than the oral examination: post, written, table, photographs, video, drawings? Free Techniques for each one or imposed techniques for everyone?
Could that lead to a reflection about interculturality?
The resources which I propose to share or to present:
Possibilities of carrying documents in keeping with these criteria: texts, power presentation not, slide show, video, booklets, exposures…
Until now :
- video documents proposed by Souad Guerib (Tunisia), Mihaela Dobanda (Romania), Florence Saint-Luc (France): possibility of realization of cooperative video montages as a preliminary on request on the visits in the various countries (it takes me a little time)
- Other types of documents: Flor Zaldumbide
Preparation of bibliographies around Freinet pedagogy, active and co-operative pedagogies, adults training, research or research-action (?), in various languages, to supplement progressively cooperatively
Files of techniques of animation in several languages
Revolving functions: moderator (moderating?), secretary, observer (3 different people) - stimulating coordinator/of study group
Observations presented by the observer of the day at the time of the assessments, at the end of the crenel
Questioning suggested by Ramon (the role of the observer validates):
- It is legitimate in a co-operative training to determine rules (time of intervention, order of intervention, to give the word initially has those which require it and did not take part yet, time of debates, etc…) ?
- Which moderates (or leads)?:
- Which is the role of the regulator: synthesis, introduction of new elements, etc?
- How to stop someone who speaks a too long time ?
- How to finish the Council?
Organization of time according to the subjects requested or to treat (proposal of Ramon):
- during the long workshop
- on the list
- on the platform
- in a forthcoming RIDEF
- within the framework of an European project (Comenius, for example).
Proposal of Florence
- in a short workshop
Proposals for topics to be treated:
- Workshop on what’s new ? and the cooperative council : it is fundamental especially because, on one hand, the objectives are different according to the countries and moreover, in the case of country as Spain where there are no Freinet schools, but Freinet practices, it is a question of knowing up to which point the Council of co-operative functions like teaching engine and co-operative core is possible: Ramon -
- Violence and training : Olivier
From the French-speaking survey doodle:
And of the Spanish-speaking survey doodle:
(it is always possible to supplement them)
Pre-service teacher training: Souad - Mihaela - Andrea - Gitta - Lupe
In-service teacher training : Souad - Mihaela - Andrea - Gitta - Ramon - Lupe
Installation of active and co-operative pedagogies in higher education: Anne-Sophie
Installation of active and co-operative pedagogies in adult training: Andrea - Mihaela - Anne-Sophie
European project: Mihaela - Ramon- Lupe - Gitta - Florence
Design of a training project: Souad - Mihaela - Andrea - Lupe
Proposal for ways of working (Florence):
- To integrate what ‘s new and co-operative council in the workshops animation to live it into our adults’ level and to be able to analyze it and see the possible transfers.
Example: in alternation, co-operative council to start to manage the contents and the organization of the workshop the first day with the present participants (newcomers probably will not have worked with the preliminary preparation as we are doing now. ). The following day, one “what ‘s new ?” could be proposed, and thus in alternation, for example. Then, the group would be divided then if necessary into sub-groups. One collective moment at the end of the crenel would make it possible each group to present information on work carried out and to interact with the others if necessary. This moment would make it possible to supplement the grid according to the evolution of the needs: the timetable would be posted with all the crenels available in collective and individual presentation, and the of the first day council could organize part of time, but preserve free crenels to fill according to the appeared needs.
  • I propose to film the workshop; so people are interested, we could carry out a video montage for the workshops presentation meeting in plenary at the end of the RIDEF, with the interested concerned people with work of digitalized video and assembly, with a software (idea born from Ramon’s request) and on my laptop. The montage work could be carried out apart from the framework of the long workshop, times would be to determine.
Presentation of training testimonies
Proposal of Florence according to Ramon’s questions
To establish a grid of communication on the training courses and training in progress? This document could be made in several languages and transmitted to the FIMEM, for example
In-service or pre-service training
Training purposes
Certification ?
Training duration
Numbers of concerned people
trainees’s profile : former formation, former experiment Teaching level
trainer’s profile : former formation, former experiment Teaching level